I have started this posting at least a dozen times but for some reason, it has been pretty difficult to write. Maybe it's because everytime I sit and think about the things I want to share, all of the emotions I experienced over the past 7 weeks come flooding back and it's pretty hard to see through the tears. I am going to attempt to share just a snapshot of this experience.
By now, most everyone knows that our mother and grandmother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer on June 16, 2009. Before we could even come to grips with the cancer diagnosis, she was gone.
Carcinosarcoma, the type of cancer mom had is a very agressive cancer that there is no cure for because very little is known about it.
It was so heartbreaking to watch as this disease so quickly took over mom's body in every way.
I was so very lucky to be able to talk to my mom or be with her everyday from the day she was diagnosed until the day Heavenly Father called her home.
Mom spent 24 days as a patient at University Medical Center here in Las Vegas where she was cared for by the most wonderful healthcare givers. I word it that way because everyone from the doctors and nurses right down to those who transported her back and forth for her diagnostic testing need to be included. Everyone was so patient and kind not only with mom but all of us who came and went and spent many long hours at the hospital. A thank you just doesn't seem to be gratitude enough for all these people did for us.
During the 24 days, even though the circumstances could have been better, there were lots of good memories shared and made. There was lots of tears but also lots of laughter.
As dad and I sat with mom one afternoon, we were discussing (dad and I discussed, mom just listened) the roller coaster ride we seemed to be on with mom. Some days, the ride was filled with lots of up and a few downs, others days, there were more downs than ups and then there was the occasional straight away that seemed to be followed by the hard turn that seemed to say hang on because now you don't know which way you'll be going next.
I think one of the hardest days was the 22nd of July. There were some test and medical procedures that were scheduled to be done. One of which we were told would be extremely painful for mom. We couldn't stand the thoughts of mom having to endure any more pain. Dad did some talking with some nurses and doctors, then finally with the oncologist. The oncologist very sweetly told us that if he was in our place, he could stop any further testing and treatment and just keep mom comfortable because her time with us was going to be short. Any further testing and diagnosis wasn't going to matter at this point. With that being said, dad cancelled all testing and made arrangements for mom to go into hospice.
On July24, mom was transferred to Nathan Adelson Hospice. Coincidentially, this is the same facility, mom's sister Jeanette was at when Heavenly Father called her home too.
Once again, mom and all of us were blessed to have another wonderful group of caregivers. It takes a special type of person to be able to work in this type of enviornment and these people were truly special.
And again, mom's room was filled with tears and laughter and special memories were made.
On July 26th, 2009 at 4:34 p.m. mom quietly and peacefully went home to her Heavenly Father.
I am so grateful that I was with her when she left this earth. One night at the hospital Tami, dad and I were talking about the late nights spent with mom. I finally confessed that I spent so many late nights with mom because I didn't want her to be alone when she left this earth. Tami admitted she felt the same way. I'm glad I can say that mom wasn't alone.
A funeral service was held on July 30 in Henderson, Nevada and another one in Rigby, Idaho. Mom was buried in the Grant Central Cemetary in Grant, Idaho. This is the same cemetary where her parents, brothers, sister and other family members are buried.
While we are very sad that mom is no longer with us here on this earth, we are so grateful that Heavenly Father loved her enough to not let her suffer with this cancer for a long period of time.
I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life and that we can be together forever as families and I will be able to be with my mom again. I am grateful to her for the life she lead and for the true example of a daughter of God that she exemplified.
Oh, and I am even more grateful that my mom
is a very forgiving person and that she loves me unconditionally! Love you the most Mom!!