Sunday, September 20, 2009

They're Back!

Well, it has officially been confirmed. Mackenzie's seizures are back. I took her for her EEG last Thursday and it definitely showed that she is having the irregular brain waves in the right front portion of the brain (I'm not very technical) that are causing her the have the Absence or Partial seizures again.
When Mackenzie was in the second grade, her teacher noticed she was having these strange spells where she would just stare off. These would only last for a few seconds but were long enough to cause concern. The teacher contacted the school nurse who in turned called me with the concerns. I took her to our family doctor who referred us to a neurologist. Before we got her to the specialist, Kenzie had a grand mal seizure. After 2 ambulance rides, lots of testing and 16 hours in the emergency rooms of two different hospitals, the diagnosis of seizure disorder (epilepsy) was reached. After 2 years of medications, blood tests and disgnostic testing, in June of 2008, Kenzie was discharged from the neurologist's care, only to return if needed. Well, that lasted less than a year.
Earlier this year, we began noticing Mackenzie doing the staring off thing again. Not long after we began noticing this, the school nurse again called as they were concerned about the amount of time Kenzie was spending in the office with headaches and dizziness. This time, we bypassed the family doctor and went straight to the neurologist. The whole process has started again. The doctor visits, medication, blood test, EEG's and the continual monitoring of Mackenzie to make sure she isn't in any situations that could cause harm to her if she were to have any type of seizure.
Mackenzie isn't too thrilled with this whole regimine again but she's a trooper with it all.
Kenzie and I have talked about this whole seizure thing being back and even though it can be frustrating at times, it's all good.
As we sit in the waiting room at the Neurologist's office and watch as other families bring their children in in wheelchairs, with walkers or who are crippled, hearing or visually impared, we are reminded how fortunate we are that this is all that we have to work through.


lacey said...
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lacey said...

let me try again.
I could have told you her brain didnt work right. just kidding. like you said, at least that is all we have to deal with

Marie said...

Sorry, Kenzie! But as with the rest of life, attitude is everything, and you seem to be taking it pretty well. Just remember we love you!

Jaden and Stacy said...

I am soooooo sorry to hear about that! I understand that process. I hope everything gets worked out for her. I will keep her in my prayers. I know how this changes ones life. I hope you don't mind that I added you on my blog. I was excited to see you had one. Keep us updated! Love ya!

Tara said...

Hi Tonya,
I am one of Connie Brown's daughters and I happened upon your post. I hope you don't mind me asking a couple of questions. I am kind of worried about my son, and I don't know anyone else who has experience with epilepsy.
I was wondering, is epilepsy degenerative? And can it get worse if not medicated? My three year old has staring spells that last several seconds. And at other times even though he seems to be trying to pay attention when we are talking to him, but he can't. He's just not all there you know? And that can last for a long time. He got an EEG a year ago around the same time we found out he has cerebral palsy. It came out normal. It was an awful experience for Ethan, and I am hesitant to put him through it again. My doctor has mentioned the possibility of epilepsy and said we maybe should get another EEG, but I am hesitant to do it unless necessary. I just wondered if your daughter had any of these symptoms. I would be so grateful for any advice you could offer. Thanks.